Monday 22 April 2013

Oh my goodness!  I am actually typing this on my phone! Oh my goodness.  I'm gobsmacked! Me who is so absolutely crap with all things technical am typing this on my phone.  Wow.  I have downloaded all kinds of goodies and kind of know how to use them.   Every thing that's on my laptop is on my phone.  I am truly amazed!
It's absolutely blooming freezing today and I've been trying to find a way to stop my cat weeing on my new seeds that I spent ages digging a piece of fresh earth to put in. Bastard thing.  He's spent the last few weeks throwing up all over the place and now he's weeing on my seeds.   Grrr.  Love him, but he's on  dangerous ground.  As is my child.   Maybe it's all children that are very ungrateful, but he has had the weekend entirely devoted to him and he's still a shite.  His bedroom is freezing and I can't work out why.   And im trying to decide whether I need to go shopping tomorrow or if I can hold off until Wednesday.   This is the excitement of my life right now.   Riveting stuff hey lol.
Why is his bedroom so darn cold and why have I just received a phone call from Swansea? ?? ? What on earth is going on? ? The day is getting stranger and stranger. ...
Maybe it's aliens. ..maybe it's the doctor. ..oh my goodness hahaha it could be the doctor! ! He's always in Wales! ! I might have just hung up on the doctor. ...oh no!!! Maybe he was going to help me warm up the bedroom. ...cor I wish hahaha. ....

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