Sunday 21 August 2016

3 years later.....

Well, it's only been 3 years since my last post. I always do this. I start something off with great gusto and then think "hmmmm, well, I can't be bothered to do it now" but never mind, I'm back baby, I'm back.

Now, where am I??
It's Sunday night. The chilli con carne is bubbling away on the stove, only fools and horses is on the goggle box and the boy is in his arm chair being stared at by the cat.

Sunday isn't normally chilli con carne night. Chilli con carne night is always a Friday night, but this Friday, the boy wasn't here, so it's a good job I made sure the minced beef would last for a couple of extra days. The next big decision is going to be, do we have tangy cheese Doritos or cool original???

I can't actually remember what the last few posts I'd withered on about, were about.  Whatever they were about, I'm sure nothing much has changed in my life in those 3 years I've been absent.

I'm still single. Ooh I've had some pleasant shinnanigans with various people and been let down incredibly badly by the one person I never thought would hurt me so badly, but I'm still single because he's a knob jockey essentially and he'll be bloody miserable without me but that's his problem not mine.

I am now employed.  I work in a school kitchen. It's bloody hot, it's bloody heavy and it's bloody hard, but it's pretty awesome too.

So I suppose I'm now writing about the joys and pitfalls of being a single working mum with an autistic teenager. Wow!!!! That sounds almost as bad as it is!!!!!

I jest. It's ok. I'm surviving. I've not shoved my head in the oven at work and turned it on yet. I've shoved my head in it many times to clean it and turn my finger nails bright yellow with the chemical cleaner, but I've not shoved it in and turned it on yet, so things can't be THAT bad.

I'm plodding on. Pottering about. Surviving and most importantly still laughing even through the scynisism that seems to run through my veins like the nicotine and chocolate I constantly inhale.

Actually, that's a lie. I don't inhale chocolate with the alarming regularity I once was. In fact, I am now not allowed it at all. *pause for dramatic music*

Since February of this year, I have been following (for the most part) the new and improved Atkins diet and can I assure those sceptics out there, that it does bloody well work!!!!!!!

I am working in a kitchen most of the day, preparing and making from scratch and I am then coming
home and raiding my brand new shiny enormous fridge freezer for vegetables to turn into something delicious to scoff in the evening.  I had no idea so many things could be made with cauliflower. What you do if you follow the Atkins diet and don't like cauliflower I have no idea, but it's a jolly good thing I do I can tell you!!!

Pizza bases, cheesy breadsticks, mock potato mash, couscous, chocolate cake, haha only joking. There's no chocolate cake.... Or is there??? I must find out!!!!

Anyway, yes, it does work. I am currently 50 pounds lighter than I was in February so I must be doing something right. *pause for applause and embarrassed flush* I've still got a long long way to
go yet, but I'm getting there.
 Sometimes the cravings become so overwhelming all I want to do it sit and eat my weight in sausage rolls, cheese and onion hand cooked crisps and great slabs of hot chocolate fudge cake with ice cream on the side.  Not that I've thought about it much of course.

But on the whole, in the grand scheme of things, it's all going ok.

The boy is still alive, which believe me after some of the events we've been through together over the last few years, is quite an achievement!!!

He's just about to start year 9 at school would you ever.

Anyway, that's a different story for a different night. Dinner, the washing up and the Xfiles awaits me for tonight.

I do love the summer holidays!!!!

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